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1. How many pension pillars does the pension system in the Republic of North Macedonia consist of?
2.How do I choose a pension fund?
to get in touch with a pension company licensed agent
to get in touch with PDIFNM
to get in touch with FFPISA
3. Can an unemployed person be a voluntary pension fund member?
Yes (if they are at least 15 and at most 70 years old)
No, because they are unemployed
4. Who supervises and regulates the second and third pillar?
Fully Funded Pension Insurance Supervision Agency (FFPISA)
5. Can I borrow from my savings in the second and third pillar?
No, because the purpose of the funds in my private pension fund personal account is to provide a retirement income source
Of course that is my money
6. How many pension pillars are there in the Republic of North Macedonia?
7. How many pension companies in total operate in the Republic of North Macedonia?
8. Which of the following are pension companies?
Sava Penzisko Drustvo AD Skopje, KB Prvo Penzisko Drustvo AD Skopje and TPIGLAV PENSISKO DRUSTVO AD SKOPJE
Eurolink Insurance ad Skopje, Albsig - ad Skopje and Euroins Insurance
Eurostandard Bank a.d. - Skopje, ProCredit ad Skopje, and Central Cooperative Bank ad Skopje
9. What does a pension company do?
invests the pension fund assets
organizes board games for retirees
takes the retirees to a spa
10. Who can participate in the mandatory fully funded pension insurance (second pillar)?
persons who are employed for the first time after January 1, 2019 and on the date of employment are younger than 40
there is no limit
only those who pay into voluntary fully funded pension insurance (third pillar)
11. How to become a mandatory pension fund member(second pillar)?
by signing an membership agreement in a mandatory pension fund (second pillar) within 3 months after the date of employment,
by a membership statement
by signature deposit at a public notary
12. What is about to happen with the membership if no agreement is concluded?
if one does not sign an membership agreement, one is not a mandatory pension fund member (second pillar)
if one does not sign a membership agreement within 3 months, the PDIFNM Fund will make the distribution to one mandatory pension fund
if one does not sign an agreement, one will be insured only in the PDIFNM Fund
13. Who can participate in voluntary fully funded pension insurance (third pillar)?
only employees
persons aged from 15 to 70 years
persons over 18 years of age
14. What is the minimum payment in the voluntary pension fund and are voluntary pension fund members obliged to pay regularly?
annually, minimum 10,000 denars
monthly, minimum 1000 denars
Everyone is entitled to pay voluntary contributions regardless of the amount and the payment period
15. Who protects the pension funds members’ interests?
Public Revenue Office
Fully Funded Pension Insurance Supervision Agency - FFPISA
16. What is a pension fund?
mass of funds
pension company
property custodian
17. What is the color of the envelope in which the Pension Savings Report is submitted?
green envelope
yellow envelope
red envelope
18. With whom one can conclude a mandatory pension fund membership agreement?
with an agent on behalf of the pension company
with a broker on behalf of the pension company
19. What is the contribution that a mandatory pension fund member pays?
6% of the gross salary
10% of the gross salary
20% of the gross salary
20. One insured person can be a member at the same time:
only in one mandatory pension fund
in two mandatory pension funds
in three mandatory pension funds
21. When can the second pillar funds be used at the earliest?
10 years before retirement
On the day of retirement
5 years before retirement
22. The second pillar funds is hereditary:
Depending on the amount
23. The second pillar funds can be used for:
Buying a car up to 5000 euros
Apartment down payment
24. The funds return on investment is an earning for:
The Pension Company
The pension fund member
25. I receive a pension savings report:
In a bank
On home address
In the post office
26. How much % of your gross salary is allocated for the second pension pillar contributions (i.e. in the mandatory pension fund)?
27. What are the conditions to become a mandatory pension fund member?
To be employed for the first time after 01.01.2019
To be younger than 40
All of the above
28. From the first employment moment, within how long period does one have the right to choose a mandatory pension fund?
Within 3 months
Within 1 year
There is no time frame by which one can become a second pillar member
29. FFPISA supervises the work of:
Pension companies and pension funds
The pension funds assets custodians
All of the above
30. What happens to my second pillar contribution?
These funds are paid into your personal individual account in your mandatory pension fund, which are then invested in financial instruments in order to increase the funds used for pension
the contributions are paid to your personal individual account which are then not invested in financial instruments
the contributions are paid into another account which are then invested in financial instruments
31. In which financial instruments does the company invest my money?
Your company invests the funds most often in: bank deposits, shares from domestic and foreign issuers, bonds from domestic and foreign issuers, short-term securities from domestic issuers, investment funds from domestic and foreign issuers, etc.
in bank deposits, shares from domestic and foreign issuers
short-term securities from domestic issuers, investment funds from domestic and foreign issuers, etc.
32. What is the key indicator of the pension fund portfolio performance?
The movement of the accounting unit value, i.e. the realized rate of return on the investment of the pension funds assets
an indicator of the pension fund portfolio performance is the accounting unit value
an indicator of the pension fund portfolio performance is the pension fund assets return on investment
33. How many types of pension payments are there in the KFPO - second pillar?
Lifetime immediate annuity, programmed withdrawals and temporary programmed withdrawals in combination with lifetime deferred annuity
lifetime annuity and programmed withdrawals
programmed withdrawals and temporary programmed withdrawals
34. At what age can the third pillar funds be withdrawn?
for men 54 and for women 52
For men 64 and for women 62
For men 65 and for women 65
35. When is a second pillar pension application submitted only?
An application is submitted after reaching the age of 65
Upon reaching the age of 65, a second pillar pension is automatically paid
the request for second pillar pension payment is submitted for men at the age of 64 and for women at the age of 62.
36. What is a voluntary pension fund?
A fund for seniority supplement in the PDIFNM Fund
A fund in which one can voluntarily save for additional pension income
Innovation Fund
37. When is the right to a second pillar pension exercised?
For men 35 and for women 32
For men 52 and for women 54
For men at 64 years and for women 62 years
38. How can a second pillar pension be paid ?
programmed withdrawals, annuities and combination of both
one-time payment
in installments
39. Who controls the pension companies work?
State Audit Office
40. How many pension companies are in the Republic of North Macedonia?
41. When can third pillar funds be used at the earliest?
10 years before retirement
On the day of retirement
5 years before retirement
42. Who owns the mandatory pension fund assets?
the mandatory pension fund members
the mandatory pension fund property custodian
the pension company
43. What does the mandatory pension fund consist of?
the contributions paid on behalf and on the account of the members, the members' funds and the invested contributions funds returns, reduced for the compensations that are collected from the pension fund
the funds from the members’ transaction accounts
the pension company capital
44. A pension company submits reports to the members in an envelope in:
red color
blue color
green color
45. What are the principles of investing the mandatory pension funds assets?
achieving the highest yield only for the benefit of the mandatory pension funds members through diversification and financial analysis to minimize the risk of losses
achieving the highest yield in favor of the pension company
realization of average yield in favor of the of the pension company shareholders
46. Who and how the mandatory pension fund assets are kept?
the funds are completely separated from the pension company assets and are kept in the Budget of the Republic of North Macedonia
the assets are completely separated from the pension company assets and are kept with a custodian bank
the assets are kept in a bank together with the pension company assets
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